Female boxing

MF-FB15-Ling VS Xi(custom)

This is a custom video. Customized content includes actresses, dresses, plots, more body to body clinch, etc. The boxing match was divided into three sets. Ling looked smaller than Xi. But she was very aggressive and flexible. Xi was calm. They seemed to be on a par. They clinched many times to defuse each other’s […]

MF-FB15-Ling VS Xi(custom) Read More »

MF-FB14-Agan VS Xinxi(custom)

This is a custom video. Customized content includes actresses, dresses, Gloves VS No gloves, etc. Xinxi fight with boxing style (she wore gloves) while Agan fight without gloves.In the fight, Agan was the more skilled fighter so she can dodge and hit Xinxi more. But it was not an easy fight for her. Preview: Format:MP4 Size:1.26GB Resolution:1920×1080,fps:50 Duration:34m05s

MF-FB14-Agan VS Xinxi(custom) Read More »

MF-FB12-Agan VS Dudu(custom)

This is a custom video. Customized content includes actresses, dresses, plots, no gloves,more spitting water, etc. Both Agan and Dudu are strong kickboxer with high pride, so they challenge each other for a fight to find out who is the strongest.No gloves. Preview: Format:MP4 Size:1.14GB Resolution:1920×1080,fps:30 Duration:30m47s

MF-FB12-Agan VS Dudu(custom) Read More »

MF-FB10-Xiaodie VS Xinxi(custom)

This is a custom video. Customized content includes actresses, dresses, plots, more belly punching,kicking,kneeing,more spitting water, etc. Xinxi is a pro kickboxing fighter and the master of Xiaodie. Because she’s very strong and proud so most of the time she looks down on Xiaodie. That makes Xiaodie angry so she challenges Xinxi for a kickboxing fight. Preview: Format:MP4 Size:1.11GB Resolution:1920×1080,fps:30 Duration:29m50s

MF-FB10-Xiaodie VS Xinxi(custom) Read More »

MF-FB08-Lexin VS Han(custom)

This is a custom video. Customized content includes actresses, dresses, plots, more body to body clinch, etc. Lexin didn’t seem to be able to beat Han. Han easily knocked Lexin down again and again. But after a short break, Lexin changed her dress and she seemed to be someone else. Preview: Format:MP4 Size:1.09GB Resolution:1920×1080,fps:30 Duration:36m19s

MF-FB08-Lexin VS Han(custom) Read More »

MF-FB07-Yu VS Qiao(custom)

This is a custom video. Customized content includes actresses, dress, plots, fighting actions, etc. Yu(short) tried to help her boyfriend. She decided to take part in an unfair boxing match to get a higher prize.She chose a fighter—Qiao(tall), who was much taller than her.This match was more cruel than Yu thought, because Qiao didn’t play

MF-FB07-Yu VS Qiao(custom) Read More »

MF-FB00-Kaolian VS Ling

Note: This was the first video we shot, but because one of the actresses didn’t cooperate very well, it was not a good video. We didn’t release it at the first time. But some customers said they would like to see Ling in the video. Because she looks hot in the picture on the front

MF-FB00-Kaolian VS Ling Read More »